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OmniOmni — A No-Code Platform for Chatbot Creation

Programming requires time and money. In order to create a simple application from scratch, you need expensive specialists and two to four months of work. No-code platforms can simplify this process — they make it possible to achieve the result having minimum resources. Here we explain this approach to programming and its relation to OmniOmni.
Reading time: 6 minutes
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Programming requires time and money. In order to create a simple application from scratch, you need expensive specialists and two to four months of work. No-code platforms can simplify this process — they make it possible to achieve the result having minimum resources. Here we explain this approach to programming and its relation to OmniOmni.

What is a no-code platform?

No-code is an approach to development that does not require programming. No-code platform developers do a great deal of work in advance. It results in a simple user-friendly interface for software development.

Your employees will only need to adjust the base to business tasks, i.e., form the required logic, customize the appearance, and connect additional features. Both a junior specialist of the IT department and a person without technical skills (a small business owner or a marketing specialist) can do it.

No-code platforms are often used for application programming, but their scope is much wider. For example, chatbot creation looks like usual tinker toys in the updated OmniOmni interface.

Three approaches to programming

No-code is the simplest and quickest approach to programming. No-code platform users construct applications like toy blocks — algorithms and processes are pre-elaborated. This approach helps people without programming skills create applications and accelerates IT team work.

Low-code is intermediate between development from scratch and no-code platforms. This approach is for professionals who seek to accelerate their work. In other words, this approach still includes programming, though less than development from scratch does.

We have compared the three approaches in a table for clarity.


Development from scratch

Low-code platform

No-code platform


Professional developers

Professionals and amateurs

Business representatives, marketing specialists, and junior developers


Create complex software

Accelerate typical software development

Enable people with zero or little development experience to create software

Need for technical skills


Yes, to customize the platform


How to create a chatbot using a no-code platform

Chatbots save time and relieve contact center operators of part of their work. A no-code platform will help optimize chatbot development as well. OmniOmni is just the right kind of service.

We have recently updated one of the main service functions — sales funnels. Initially, they were similar to those in email — a trigger initiated a chain of messages that brought a customer to a purchase. Now the functionality has become much wider and the development has been simplified.

Updated sales funnels are chatbots that automatically generate payment links, poll customers, and distribute messages on various events. We have developed a block interface for their creation. A finished chatbot is displayed as a tree. You create steps, interconnect them by a couple of clicks, and set up funnel start and stop conditions. 

You will get a clear and, most importantly, quick result. Furthermore, you can create such a chatbot in less than an hour.

Let us take, for example, a promo chatbot that can recognize the customer’s city and transfer the chat to the right operator. We will need two functions — self-service menu and sales funnels.

  1. Set up the greeting and items in the self-service menu.
  2. Tag the request as “Promo” in the settings of the “Current Promos” menu item for those who have selected this item.
  3. Create a funnel and use the settings to set up its start when the “Promo” tag gets added to a request.
  4. Create the first step of the funnel — a message to be sent to the user at funnel start.
  5. Add inline buttons.
  6. Add the next step when the “Transfer chat to operator” button gets pressed.
  7. Select a group of operators who receive chats when the button is pressed.
  8. Select the option tagging the customer when they press the button. Do the same for each button.
  9. Select funnel stop when the operator sends a message.
  10. This is what it looks like in our interface.

Why are no-code platforms useful for business?

It is faster than development from scratch

You will not have to wait for several months after you give the task to your development department. The time saved can be used to improve your product.

This is how it works in OmniOmni — instead of coding chatbots from scratch, you can do it in the block interface of sales funnels. Setting options are elaborated in advance. All you have to do is to construct the set you need and customize the settings.

It is cheaper than development from scratch

No-code platforms barely require technical skills. You will not have to engage a lot of highly paid senior developers.

This is how it works in OmniOmni — thanks to the visual interface, you do not have to write a code when creating sales funnels. Junior developers, sales managers, and marketing specialists — in other words, almost any employees — will cope with this task.

It is convenient

No-code platforms often provide additional features, for example, integration with other services. Such functions use proven scenarios. You will avoid mistakes of long configuration.

This is how it works in OmniOmni — sales funnels can be used in any available messenger and added to any CRM system, even if it does not have chatbot functionality. An open API can help with more complex integrations. To make promotion more convenient, funnels can be linked to a mini landing, that is also easy to create right in the service.

You can easily test various approaches

Since development requires less time, you can channel resources saved towards testing of various strategies.

This is how it works in OmniOmni — sales funnels can start after you tag chats. You can divide your audience into several segments, assign an individual tag to each one, and check various algorithms using А/В testing.

You can trace results

Many no-code platforms have integrated monitoring systems that can trace work efficiency. You do not have to configure them.

This is how it works in OmniOmni — the service has a section with statistics, where you can find the speed of operators, the number of chats, and other indicators. You can adjust reports to your tasks to only trace the KPIs you need. Mini landings that lead to sales funnels also have separate analytics with the number of views, clicks, and chats started.

Results are easy to scale

When your business grows and enters new markets, you will not have to look for new employees in a hurry or pay outsource developers. Software created on no-code platforms can be easily scaled, not overloading the IT department. 

This is how it works in OmniOmni — an existing funnel can be started for a new audience; you only need to add new bot start conditions in the settings.

Register with OmniOmni and get a 7-day free period to test the no-code platform.

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